Monday, August 04, 2008

What's Happening

Hey well life is certainly interesting. A large tree fell across my driveway last week and cut out my phone and of course my internet. I also could not get out for four hours until the Fire Brigade came to rescue me. Made me realize how vulnerable we are to the weather and I felt so trapped without my usual forms of communication which runs my life. May have to buy a pigeon in case this happens again.

I am busy planning my trip to California on the 8th september until lst October and already am 95 % booked. Have a friend making a DVD of a numerology workshop I am holding and thought this would be a good idea to sell these on my website - that will be happening early september - also found a way to send a recording of my readings through the internet when I do phone readings - this techo stuff is so exciting.

Also offering CD's for readings as well as cassette tapes. Cassettes are increasing hard to buy and I had to make the change to accomodate people who no longer have a cassette player.

Loving my single life, although it would be nice to have male company for a dinner engagement now and again. I love my girlfriends but a taste of testosterone now and again would be great. Met a man last week where there was a buzz - but unfortunately he had a walking stick and would never be able to keep up with me - so let that one go.

Ekcar Tolle's book A New Earch continues to help my life in a marvellous way. He is truly one of the best teachers I have met as far as the Game of Life is concerned.

Now learning about psychology which has fascinated me for years - finally getting to understand myself - never too late. Beryl

1 comment:

5js said...

Hi Beryl
Came to see you with hubby a few months ago (the dung bettle guy)and only just got to check out the website while passing your name on to another.
Love it and loved understanding why I really enjoyed meeting you so much.
Awesome lady you are for sure. Just wanted to say that perhaps you shouldn't give up on the walking stick guy so soon. Sounds like you need someone to slow you down abit (spirit only managed for 4 hours with the tree falling over) and he could blow some cobwebs out. Remember, you don't need your walking stick when your lying down in bed!!!!!!. LOL.
Have a great day and keep up the good work you do giving everyone straight up, honest readings with the compassion and caring that flows from you. Take care of yourself.