Sunday, October 19, 2008

Life is Good

Had a wonderful three weeks in California. This time my daughter came with me, who is a gifted cranial-sacral therapist. Her speciality is working on animals and she had the privilege to work on several dogs, who improved immensely after a treatment. Hopefully she till return with me in February. Have decided to ask for $20 deposit for readings booked in California which will pay for my daughter's trip. She is well worth meeting and even better having a treatment with her. Her website is and not that I am prejudiced but she is a fabulous young woman with great healing skills.

Due to the overload of work I decided to return to California for the last two weeks of January and first two weeks of February.

I learned to communicate with departed loved ones 20 odd years ago and although I often bring spirit through during a reading, thought it would be great to teach people to contact their loved ones personally - so hence the workshop in San Francisco - see Home Page.

Despite the cloud of fear over the world, I still find people uplifted and positive and having some real values of what life is all about - love and loved ones.

Maybe our material values are being challenged for us to find out for a very positive reading.

Will be taking two days vacation in Tahiti after my trip - good to get some down tme after working so hard.

Although my body lives in New Zealand, my heart lives in California where I have so many great friends and I want to put out how much I love you all so dearly.

Summer in New Zealand, so some down time, sunshine and time with my beloved family - especially my darling grandson - Liam, who still does not think I am an adult - How refreshing because that is how I feel too.

Love and light to you my darlings - remember Faith is fearlessly allow it to happen and it will.

Monday, August 04, 2008

What's Happening

Hey well life is certainly interesting. A large tree fell across my driveway last week and cut out my phone and of course my internet. I also could not get out for four hours until the Fire Brigade came to rescue me. Made me realize how vulnerable we are to the weather and I felt so trapped without my usual forms of communication which runs my life. May have to buy a pigeon in case this happens again.

I am busy planning my trip to California on the 8th september until lst October and already am 95 % booked. Have a friend making a DVD of a numerology workshop I am holding and thought this would be a good idea to sell these on my website - that will be happening early september - also found a way to send a recording of my readings through the internet when I do phone readings - this techo stuff is so exciting.

Also offering CD's for readings as well as cassette tapes. Cassettes are increasing hard to buy and I had to make the change to accomodate people who no longer have a cassette player.

Loving my single life, although it would be nice to have male company for a dinner engagement now and again. I love my girlfriends but a taste of testosterone now and again would be great. Met a man last week where there was a buzz - but unfortunately he had a walking stick and would never be able to keep up with me - so let that one go.

Ekcar Tolle's book A New Earch continues to help my life in a marvellous way. He is truly one of the best teachers I have met as far as the Game of Life is concerned.

Now learning about psychology which has fascinated me for years - finally getting to understand myself - never too late. Beryl

Wednesday, April 09, 2008